“I strive to be a success, to show others that you must take your passion, goals and create your own map.”
- Hannah Volpe
Hannah Volpe
College: Ohio State University - Fall, 2024
Her CDH Story: I have two younger sisters both of whom have had their share of medical issues. My mother’s focus is mainly on my youngest sister, Harper who is a CDH survivor. My sister was diagnosed in utero and we barely knew what to expect. At three days old, Harper had her CDH repair surgery. Shortly after Harper’s surgery she was also diagnosed with Anophthalmia (loss of right eye), short stature, profound hearing loss of both ears and is immune compromised. As a result, Harper requires 24/7 care. She is very dependent upon my mother for all aspects of her life. My middle sister, Hallie has had her share of medical issues including a brain tumor which was removed 2 years ago. Thus, demanding my mother’s attention. I have had to learn to focus on myself both emotionally and physically. My mother is there for me, but her primary focus is the care of my sisters.
I entered the work field at age 15 to subsidize my needs so my mother did not have to worry about finding ways to come up with money for my outside activities. I took it upon myself to save for college, knowing that due to my mother’s hardship, she is unable to financially help me achieve my dream. Without saying, I believe my mother is proud of the way I had to grow up fast and help her ensure my sisters have her full attention.
Hobbies and Interests: Varsity volleyball and volunteering as often as she can. Team captain (2023-2024), Participated in service activities like Volley for a Cure (Cancer), served as a volunteer for youth games and youth volleyball camps. Student Aid/Tutor, helping tutor kids in grades 1-2 as instructed by the teacher. working 1 on 1 with students on math and language arts.
Professional Aspirations: I strive to be a success, to show others that you must take your passion, goals and create your own map. It is my hope that furthering my college education, I can in some way be there for my mother. I know she appreciates that I do try to manage life on my own, but she does try to be there for me when I need her.